Ancient Languages and Cultures

Brief Information of our Department

The origin of our Department, which has been continuing its academic activities under the name of Ancient Greek Language and Literature since 1983, dates back to the second half of the 1930s as a sub-discipline of Classical Philology that combines Ancient Greek and Latin philology. Classical Philology was first occured at Istanbul University as an institute through the university reform of 1933 and it was converted into the Chair of Classical Philology in 1938. This was the second Chair of Classical Philology of Turkey, because the first one was founded at Ankara University in 1936. The first chairman of the Classical Philology at Istanbul University had been Prof. Dr. Clemens Bosch, and then Prof. Dr. Ronald Syme from Oxford University between the years 1942 and 1944. Only Latin began to be taught in the 1942-1943 academic year. However, Prof. Dr. Oliver Davies came from Ireland to take up the lectureship in Ancient Greek before the next academic year. Dr. George Ewart Bean, who came from Cambridge University in 1944, had taught both Greek and Latin until 1971. Prof. Dr. Zafer Taşlıklıoğlu, who graduated from the Chair of Classical Philology at Ankara University, came to our university in the same year to contribute to studies on Ancient Greek philology and raising students, and he served as the chairman of the Classical Philology from 1977 to 1983 as well. Our department, whose name changed to Ancient Languages and Cultures in 1983, consists of sub-departments named “Ancient Greek Language and Literature”, “Latin Language and Literature” and “Hittitology” since then. After this change Prof. Dr. Kenan Yonarsoy, one of the graduates of our department, was the first head of Ancient Greek Language and Literature from 1983 to 1999. Prof. Dr. Güler Çelgin, who also graduated from our department, undertook this office in 1999, and then the headship of the Department of Ancient Greek Language and Literature in 2010. Prof. Dr. Çelgin still contiues both offices.

Brief Information Regarding the Scientific Works and Research Activities

The research interest of our department covers all Ancient Greek literature created approximately until the 6th century AD, and in various dialects on a large area where Greek and Roman civilizations spreaded, including Anatolia where we live today. However, examining this literature often requires to use sources written in Latin. Therefore, our students are provided with a formation suitable for Classical Philology education with the compulsory and elective courses taken from the Department of Latin Language and Literature. The ancient Greek literature does not only includes literary works in the sense we understand today, but also includes many genres from basic sciences to architecture, and even these genres concern us in terms of their linguistic features and narrative techniques. In our department, the sources are mainly analyzed using literary and historical methods. Our curriculum prepared in accordance with this approach, includes courses on Greek grammar, syntax, philology, text reading in which major works written in different periods and dialects are selected and examined, and courses chronologically focus on literature history, cultural history, history of thought, mythology and religious history, political history, and historical geography. It is inevitable to avoid to use epigraphic, numismatic, or papyrological materials while evaluating the ancient Greek literature. Therefore, the main sources in which these materials are published are introduced to students. We also have Greek epigraphy courses, since epigraphic material is extremely valuable primary source in questioning the historical reliability of information transmitted through literary works. After all, the entire programme is supported by the seminar courses in which scientific research methods are taught to final year students.

Academic Staff

Prof. Dr. GÜLER ÇELGİN (Head of Department)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. EMRE ERTEN
Assoc. Prof. Dr. ERMAN GÖREN

Project/Award etc. Achievements of Academics

Executive: Doç. Dr. Emre Erten
1) Epigraphical Survey in Dorylaion and Territorium-2. Funded by TÜBİTAK.
2) Epigraphical Survey in Phrygia. Funded by Deutsches Archäologisches Enstitut.
3) Epigraphical Survey in Dorylaion and Territorium-1. Funded by TÜBİTAK.
4) Epigraphy and Historical Geography Studies in Phrygia. Funded by YÖK.

Information about education objectives, quotas, accreditation status, the prep classifany of the department at the undergraduate level

Ancient Greek Language and Literature is the sub-discipline of Classical Philology, that deals with the written texts in Ancient Greek transmitted from Antiquity to the present. The topics of these texts extend from the basic sciences such as mathematics, physics and medicine to the varios types of literary works such as poetry, rhetoric, letters, history and philosophy. Ancient Greek Language and Literature focusses on evaluating and interpreting the data presented by this immense literatur written in Ancient Greek. For the reasons we mentioned earlier, the students of this department must also take courses from the Department of Latin Language and Literature to complete their education in accordance with the Classical Philology formation. Through the education given in our department, it is aimed to bring individuals to the society, who is rationalist, humanistic, has a historical consciousness and scientific approach, has gained insight into the importance of ancient written sources and material cultural assets, and can carry out scientific studies on these written sources. The main goal of our department is to educate students who will explore the historical past of our country through the texts written in Ancient Greek, and study the data who they gather and share the results they find to contribute to expand the scientific knowledge. Students are admitted to our department with YKS language score. The Department quota is 52 students. There is no preparatory class.

How to apply Double Major and Minor Programs?

It is possible to do both double major and minor. Students must take required courses and complete 122 ECTS credits in the fall semester, and 118 ECTS credits in the spring semester for the double major programme. For the minor programme, students must complete 52 ECTS credits both in the fall and spring semesters.

Department's Student Club

Classical Philology Student Society
Contact Information: @:
(Photos are available on the website.) (Advisor: Assoc. Dr. Erman Gören)
Social media accounts:
“The Classical Philology Student Society” consists of the students of Ancient Greek Language and Literature and Latin Language and Literature deparment. Fields of activity: organizing domestic/international educational trips, scientific exhibitions, reading groups and workshops, publishing the “Classical Philology Society Bulletin” (Tabvla Magazine), organizing “Classical Philology Student Symposium” (Student Symposium of the Department of Ancient Languages and Cultures). The Classical Philology Community also organizes movie screenings in the faculty. The Classical Philology Student Symposium has been organized regularly since 2013 at a different university every year. Tabula Magazine, prepared by the members of the community under the consultancy of our faculty members, has been published twice in a year since 2015.

Graduate Education

Students are admitted to the postgraduate programme if they achieve both the ALES and oral exam.

Journals (published by Department)

"Navisalvia: Commemoration Meeting of Dr. Sina Kabaağaç" held once a year by the department of Latin Language and Literature and Ancient Greek Language and Literature. Papers presented there are published the year after the meeting.

Features that Distinguishes Our Department from Equivalent Departments

In the poetry translation courses of our department, which concentrate on Homer and the great tragedians, poems are discussed not only in terms of grammatical and narrative structures, but also in terms of rhythmic structure, i.e. prosody and meter in accordance with international standards. Our department differs from other universities in Turkey, especially by teaching prosody and metre to its students. In addition, our department gives great importance to epigraphy courses based on the idea that literary studies cannot be independent from the historical context, on the contrary, that literary and historical methods complement each other. With this approach, academicians of the department participate in epigraphy and historical-geography surveys in the ancient cities of Dorylaion and Termessos. Through these epigraphic activities, our department both contributes to international scientific studies and takes care of its students to educate even in this field.

Business areas that our graduates can work and be involve

Some of our students are academic members at universities in our field or in another field which is closely connected with Ancient Greek philology. The main reason for this is that knowing Ancient Greek has an indisputable importance in the field of Classical Archeology, Ancient Philosophy and Ancient History. The fact that some of our students have a chance to tenure in these departments is an indicator of this basic need. Some of our graduates perform their professions in some museums and conservation boards with their Ancient Greek formation. However, an individual who graduated from the undergraduate programme of Ancient Greek Language and Literature does not necessarily work as a classical philologist somewhere. We have graduates who are editors or translators with solid skills brought by the teaching of classical languages. We have graduates who are editors or translators with the strong skills they obtained as a part of the classical languages programme. Moreover, the cultural insight, historical consciousness, ability of problem solving, and analysis-synthesis capabilities provided by the classical philology formation represent further professional options for our graduates to be successful.

Social Media Accounts


Brief Information of our Department

Hittitology Department, University of Turkey, the two units engaged in training this name is first established. With the reform of Atatürk in 1933, under the name of Sumer-Eti philology started its studies under the presidency of Prof. Dr. Helmuth Theodor Bossert, then continued its existence in the fields of archeology and philology under the name of the Department of Ancient Near Eastern Languages and Cultures. With the enforcement of the Higher Education Law No. 2547, the section was divided into two in 1981, and the languages section was included in the Department of Ancient Languages and Cultures under the name Hititology Department.

Brief Information Regarding the Scientific Works and Research Activities

Our program has been working in the fields of archeology and ancient history by producing interdisciplinary projects and taking part in such projects, as well as its studies on Hittite language and Hittite documents. In addition, scientific studies and publications are carried out on Anatolian Hieroglyphic Luwian and Hurrian documents.

Academic Staff

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hasan Peker
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Metin Alparslan
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Meltem Alparslan
Res. Asst. Dr. Fatma Kaynar
Res. Asst. Tolga Pelvanoğlu

Project/Award etc. Achievements of Academics

Assoc. Prof.Dr. Meltem Alparslan
The Young Scientists Award Programme/GEBİP TÜBA (2009), "A Textual Reconstruction of a Hurrian-Hittite Festival: The Festival of (H)isuwa Transcription, Translation and Philological/Cultural Interpretation"
TÜBİTAK Scientific and Technological Research Projects Funding Program (1001) SOBAG
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Metin Alparslan
"An International and Interdisciplinary Project for a Hittite Historical Atlas (HHA)"
TÜBİTAK Scientific and Technological Research Projects Funding Program (1001) SOBAG (2011-2014), "The Urban Topography of the Hittite Capital Hattuša: Civil, Cultic and Administrative Architecture Compared to Philological and Archaeological Sources"
TÜBİTAK Scientific and Technological Research Projects Funding Program (1001) SOBAG (2020-2022)

Information about education objectives, quotas, accreditation status, the prep classifany of the department at the undergraduate level

Aim of our program, teaching the process of human history covering the period 1750-700 BC, political and cultural determination of the location of the Hittites in the history of Asia Minor and the cultural awareness for Turkey, adopted the contemporary generation models. Our department accepts students with YKS Language points and has 40 quotas.

How to apply Double Major and Minor Programs?

Our undergraduate students can attend a double major or minor program in another undergraduate program in case of they fulfil the necessary conditions in accordance with the major and minor program regulations. Students who qualify for the double major program at our program must have completed a minimum of 240 ECTS for the graduation. Students who qualify for the Minor Program at our program must have completed 58 ECTS for graduation.

Department's Student Club

The Student Clup of Near Eastern Cultures of Istanbul University Faculty of Letters, was founded by the students of Hittitology, Protohistory and Near Eastern Archaeology and Ancient History departments under the supervision of Assoc. Prof.Dr. Meltem Alparslan in 2014. Aim of the clup is enhance the knowledge of the students of Hittitology, Protohistory and Near Eastern Archaeology and Ancient History departments about Hittitology, archaeology of the Near East and ancient civilizations. Beside that it aims to create a student platform that will examine the near eastern archaeology and its history in the light of archaeological and philological documents from III. millenium BC to Hellenistic period and emphasize the importance of bringing students together by organizing panels, seminars, conferences, excursions.

Exchange Programs

We have Erasmus Agreement with 2 universities in Germany at undergraduate and graduate level.
Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg/Germany (Medium of instruction: German-English)
Freie Universität Berlin /Germany (Medium of instruction: German-English).
Undergraduate students can receive education in a higher education institution other than their own institution with Farabi Exchange Program at least one semester at most two semesters. Among the applications received from the universities that have signed the protocol will be selected the students with the highest marks, within the quota that can be accepted and sent (our program has 1 quota per year).

Features that Distinguishes Our Department from Equivalent Departments

Hititology studies and education in the world are carried out in the institutes of universities and related chairs in faculties. Istanbul University in Turkey and programs at the undergraduate and graduate levels as the main field of study is carried out in Ankara University. Unlike other universities in Istanbul University Hittitology Department, Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Writing and Middle Egyptian, are taught at the beginning level during undergraduate studies.

Business areas that our graduates can work and be involve

Academic positons in Universities in Turkey, Archaeological Museums, Media (TV, Radio, Magazines, Newspapers etc.) Culture services, private museums, private museums and ancient Hittite History of Language. All kinds of program-cinema-documentary consultancy to be prepared in the subject.

Programın sosyal medya hesapları

Twittter: @iuhititoloji / Hititoloji İstanbul
instagram: iuhititoloji / Hititoloji İstanbul

Brief Information of our Department

Institute of Classical Philology was among the twelve institutes established between 1933-1943 at the Faculty of Letters following the University Reform of 1933. In 1938, it was replaced by the Chair of Classical Philology with Prof. Clemens Emin Bosch becoming the first head of the chair. This office was held by Prof. Ronald Syme between 1942-1944, while the Irish professor Oliver Davies and George Ewart Bean from Cambridge University also gave lectures in the Institute. Following the departure of Prof. Syme in 1945, Prof. Walter Kranz from the Chair of Philosophy held the chairmanship for a period until he was replaced by Prof. Dr. Faruk Zeki Perek, who remained in this position until 1977. Prof. Dr. Zafer Taşlıklıoğlu was the last chairman before the new law of Council of Higher Education (YÖK) in 1982. Originating from the Chair of Classical Philology and being a part of Department of Ancient Literature and Cultures, Department of Latin Language and Literature was headed respectively by Prof. Dr. Müzehher Erim and Prof. Dr. Erendiz Özbayoğlu. This office is held by Prof. Dr. Çiğdem Dürüşken since the academic year of 2002-2003.

Department of Latin Language and Literature examines, evaluates and interprets the classical texts with the philological methodology. It conducts scientific researches on the culture of antiquity by covering fields of grammar and literature, as well as history, politics and philosophy.

Academic Staff

Prof. Dr. ÇİĞDEM DÜRÜŞKEN (Head of Deparment)
Asst. Prof. Dr. EKİN ÖYKEN
Asst. Prof. Dr. EYÜP ÇORAKLI

Information about education objectives, quotas, accreditation status, the prep classifany of the department at the undergraduate level

By teaching Latin which is the universal language of science, philosophy, literature and arts, Department of Latin Language and Literature aims to provide our students with skills of understanding the ancient texts in their original language, as well as translating and interpreting them. Our mission is to educate philologists with scientific and philosophical thinking abilities, qualified in the fields of ancient literature and culture which form the basis of the Western civilization.
The Higher Education Institutions Examination (YKS) Score Type: Language
Quota: 50
Lowest success ranking in 2019 (0,12): 24.565
Department of Latin Language and Literature has not been accredited.

How to apply Double Major and Minor Programs?

Department of Latin Language and Literature involves double major and minor undergraduate programs. The minimum ECTS requirement to graduate from the double major program is 240, the minimum ECTS requirement to graduate from the minor program is 50.
Link for the Regulation on Double Major Program:
Link for the Regulation on Minor Program:

Department's Student Club

Student Community of Classical Philology
Established in 2012 with the consultancy and support of our academic staff, Student Community of Classical Philology aims to help the students of the Departments of Ancient Greek Language and Literature and Latin Language and Literature to improve their knowledge of antiquity, make studies in classical philology, commit them to writing and give presentations, by organizing seminars, panels, conferences, reading sessions, workshops and cultural tours.
Contact info:

Graduate Education

Department of Latin Language and Literature involves postgraduate and doctoral programs. The acceptance conditions for these programs are defined by the Istanbul University Regulation of Education and determined by the Senate of Istanbul University.
The Academic Personnel and Graduate Education Exam (ALES) Score Type: Verbal

Exchange Programs

Department of Latin Language and Literature has an Erasmus agreement with Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. The terms specified by the University are applied for all exchange student programs.

Features that Distinguishes Our Department from Equivalent Departments

Department of Latin Language and Literature educates students qualified in their field with its expert academic staff, its comprehensive curriculum covering all aspects of classical culture and literature and its academic activities.

Business areas that our graduates can work and be involve

After graduation our students might have an academic career at our Department or in the related areas such as Ancient Greek Language and Literature, Ancient History, Philosophy and Archeology, as well as working as museum expert, publisher, editor, translator and text writer.

Admission Requirements to Graduate Programs for International Students

The terms determined by Istanbul University are applied for the application of international students to the postgraduate programs. Thesis must be written in Turkish which is our Department's language of education.